Housewarming Invitation Wording

The Johnson family
would like to request your presence
as they settle into their new Home
Friday, February Nineteenth
124 Fir Crescent
A house isn't a home
without a housewarming party!
Please join us
to celebrate ours.
June fourteenth at four o'clock
We've settled into Our Home
Please Join us
for a Housewarming Party
on March 18 at four o'clock
With our new addition
we seem to have outgrown our space
we hope you'll come to liven up
our brand new place!
June fourteenth at four o'clock
We've moved out of our home
don't worry - Not too far
Join us for a celebration
To Know where we are
June fourteenth at four o'clock
Please join us
for the first dinner in our new Home
with a housewarming celebration
that will keep this house warm
June fourteenth at four o'clock
Help us warm our house
with the love of friends and family
as we celebrate our new home
with those closest to us!
June fourteenth at four o'clock
We've packed and we've packed
We're ready to move somewhere new
We thought we'd have a party
to celebrate with You!
Please join us
Saturday, June fourteenth at six o'clock
to celebrate our new home
The boxes have been unpacked
and we hope that you can join us
for a dinner to celebrate our new Home
Saturday, June fourteenth at eight o'clock
534 Henderson Way
Please come together
as we invite friends and family
to welcome us into our new home
and fill the walls with love and memories
to be cherished for a lifetime
Saturday, June fourteenth at six o'clock
7282 West 58 Street

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